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0.8.0 - the founders minimal roleplay

The Founders

@illuday · Jun 05, 2024 · 3 minutes read

We're tackling the new major update 0.8.0 of Minimal Roleplay and the launch of the first business model. A new way to take part in and support the development of your role-playing platform.

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The founders' doors


After months of discovery, the Minimal mansion continues to reveal its mysteries. In the course of your long adventures and adventures, a new secret has just been revealed.
And it's in its depths, where light has given way to darkness and all its strangeness, that three sparkling doors have been discovered. The doors of the founders.
Will you dare to open them and discover the treasures they hold?

It's high time you officially joined the Minimal Roleplay project. Three offers, symbolised by these doors, are available to you, each offering unique advantages to enable you to contribute to our project and become a founder.

A founder is a creator, someone who will help us build the Minimal Roleplay of tomorrow. We have big ambitions, but they can't be achieved without your support.

Each offer contains collectables and services that will be unlocked when Minimal Roleplay is released in 2025. From simple subscriptions to unlimited lifetime subscriptions, dice, badges and lots more.

What's more, the founders will have a special role on our Discord, guaranteeing them plenty of spoilers and action on the future of Minimal Roleplay!

If you'd like to find out more, visit the founders' doors page or the previous article to find out all about Minimal Roleplay's rewards and future business models.

Don't hesitate to join us on the Discord for more information, as we'll be releasing plenty of content about these founder roles over the coming weeks.

Pre-made characters

Minimal Sheets just got better! Character sheets now have a new navigation menu to make character creation easier. But that's just the beginning, as we've added the long-awaited option of pre-made characters.

A pre-made character is simply a character sheet that's already been filled in, so you can start playing even faster! Prepare your character sheets in advance and assign them to your players in just a few clicks.

Image inputs and avatars

Good news never comes alone! The same applies to Minimal Sheets. Because yes... *Drum roll*. Image inputs are now available! And with that, avatars linked to your character sheet. I think we've been asked for this at least 100 times! We're finally going to be able to change the subject!

Improved visibility

To all those who constantly screw up the visibility settings for their messages. To all those who clumsily spoil the outcome of the story because of a silly mistake. We've got the solution.

A confirmation popup will ask you for confirmation when there has been a change in visibility compared with your previous message. So yes, it's going to be a bit of a hassle, but at least there won't be any more mistakes!


Less than a year after the launch of Minimal Roleplay, for the first time we are presenting you with a real model of how you can get involved in the project. Once again, we'd like to thank you for your exceptional daily support, whether on our Twitch lives, on our Discord or by using Minimal Roleplay.

Many of you have expressed a desire to help us. Now that we can, we'd like to thank you for your confidence in our team. We'll do everything we can to reward you in return. You can count on us to give you our very best. Our efforts will be worthy of your investment!


The Minimal Roleplay Team

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