
All the changes made to Minimal Roleplay are available here, and we'll be posting all future changes as well.


Released · 06 September, 2024

Fix · Scenario · Image module works again

Fix · Campfire · Fix margin on post with analyzing label

Fix · Campfire · Fix follows on PWA

Fix · Campfire · Fix notifications count

Fix - Tiptap - Emojis fix

Feature · Campfire · Add followers and following page

Feature · Campfire · Notifications setup interface

Feature · Campfire · Show posts interactions

Feature · Campfire · Link modale

Feature · Campfire · Sends a notification if a followed user has published a new post.

Optimization · Campfire · You can now send post on your profil page

Optimization · Campfire · Better embeds

Optimization · Campfire · New notifications

Optimization · Campfire · Instagram embeds

Optimization · Campfire · Notifications panel for campfire notifications

Optimization · Campfire · Add follow button on posts

Optimization · Campfire · Add rolist card color on avatar in posts

Optimization · Campfire · Add comments in trends

Optimization · Campfire · Click on discover button now scroll up and reload feed

Optimization · Campfire · Back button on comments redirect to initial post


Released · 01 September, 2024

Feature · Minimal Campfire

Optimization · New upload file input


Released · 21 August, 2024

Fix · Adventure · Fix missing excerpt in community adventures

Fix · Creator space · Clicking rate button in minimal adventure item no longer redirects

Fix · Chat · Closing chat now reset the pagination

Fix · Sheets · Cards editable only by the mj can now be copied

Fix · Sheets · Card editing is now scrollable

Feature · Add top navigation bar on desktop

Feature · Add Minimal Campfire waiting page

Optimization · Add Minimal Campfire rewards in founders doors page

Optimization · Add onboarding modal on each page


Released · 31 July, 2024

Fix · Adventure · Fix Invalid date label

Feature · Adventure · You can interact as the player in events blocks

Feature · Adventure · You can wait for the player after an interaction

Fix · Adventure · Fix duplicates blocks answers & interactions ids

Fix · Scenarios · Fix bullet points


Released · 18 July, 2024

Fix · Adventure · Prompt answers can be selected after sliding on mobile

Fix · Adventure · Restart an adventure is now fully fonctional

Fix · Adventure · Better labelling

Fix · Adventure · Ratings total are now well calculated

Fix · Fix GIF on IOS

Change · Founders doors · Limitation of founders doors

Optimization · Table · Navigation bar no longer unfolds when text is selected


Released · 18 July, 2024

Feature · Adventure · Repeat feature

Feature · Adventure · Images in interactions

Feature · Adventure · Include variables in interactions {alias}

Feature · Adventure · Public character sheet with configurable "public" values

Feature · Adventure · New homepage

Feature · Adventure · Pagination

Feature · Adventure · Demonstration

Feature · Adventure · Archiving

Feature · Adventure · Versions

Feature · Adventure · Settings and share direcly in the home

Feature · Adventure · Copy

Feature · Adventure · Duplicate

Feature · Adventure · Sorting on sheets values

Feature · Adventure · Statistics

Feature · Adventure · Success

Feature · Adventure · Chapters

Feature · Adventure · Image on answers

Feature · Adventure · Tag on answers

Feature · Chats · Gifs

Feature · Minimal Scenarios · New page for scenarios list

Feature · Minimal Sheets · New page for sheets list

Optimization · Adventure · Refining the prompt interface

Optimization · Adventure · Refining the interface

Optimization · Adventure · Move button

Optimization · Adventure · Runner sheets is now blurry

Optimization · Adventure · Always wait before launching endings.

Optimization · Adventure · Ability to use already create entries for arrays

Optimization · Adventure · Credits are now redirecting to adventures hub

Optimization · Adventure · Refining of the runner

Optimization · Adventure · Loading screen

Optimization · Scenario · Links between pages work better

Optimization · Table · You can now unfold the bar by sliding it over the games

Optimization · Adventure · Shortcut to create a character in interactions

Optimization · Notifications · You can now manually read your notifications

Optimization · Color picker now has white

Optimization · Character sheet · You can now remove a character sheet from your game

Optimization · You can now grab table image to scroll on navigation bar BipBoup

Fix · Adventure · Array values in Runner are now well displayed

Fix · Adventure · Multiple dice are now rolled well

Fix · On desktop, in the navigation bar the horizontal game scroll no longer slides the navigation bar

Fix · Deleting an image no longer creates an error

Fix · Character Sheets · Fix see more on other players' cards

Fix · Notifications · Fix join table notification

Fix · Game · Fix visiblity modal scroll when too much players

Fix · Game · Clicking on the reply icon no longer redirects you

Fix · Adventure · The return button redirect to adventures page

Fix · Notifications · Now a report create a notification for the receiver

Fix · Character Sheet · It's no longer possible to get stuck by deleting a section containing an image as an avatar


Released · 22 June, 2024

Feature · You can now open the menu by swiping

Fix · Replying to dice without content now works

Fix · Fix adding new page and entries in Minimal Scenarios

Fix · Conversation opening is fix

Fix · Fix invitation screen while being logged out

Fix · Fix spectator view if messages have replies

Fix · Fix news image ratio

Optimization · Open navigation bar by swipe left

Optimization · Conversations are now less sensible to swipe

Optimization · Display of the update button over the navigation bar

Optimization · Remove pagination of games in games page

Optimization · Revive Twitch box on hub


Released · 20 June, 2024

Feature · Private chat now support links

Feature · Links are now embeds

Feature · Private chat can now be expanded

Feature · Private chat is now paginated

Feature · OOC & games not support links

Feature · Players can now send context messages

Feature · OOC can display images

Optimization · New hub design

Optimization · Addition of a new navigation bar

Optimization · Smoother page changes

Optimization · Lazy loading on elements

Optimization · Sort items by modification date in creators

Optimization · Guides added to the Hub

Optimization · OOC & Table textarea will not go over messages anymore

Optimization · Better tolerance for automatic scroll arrow

Optimization · Private messages are now confirmed and display as error if the server is not responding

Optimization · Text input height is now capped at 120px

Optimization · Game shares no longer require you to be logged in to see what they are about

Optimization · Refine conversations in private chat

Optimization · Lazy loading on scenarios listing

Optimization · Images can be upscaled with just a click

Bug · Private messages is writing bubble is now well rounded

Bug · Some misspell fix


Released · 06 June, 2024

Feature · Founder's door

Feature · Character sheet · Premades

Feature · Character sheet · Avatar & Images

Optimization · Game · Add an alert when a message is sent with a different visibility from the previous one


Released · 15 May, 2024

Feature · Minimal Box.

Fix · Remove " " of the latest table messages on the hub and in notifications

Fix · Adventure Fix author username in credits

Fix · Minimal Sheets · Fix save multiple tiles

Fix · Fix redirect links on IOS

Fix · Minimal Scenario · Fix character sheets configuration

Fix · Character sheet · Fix ratio field popover

Feature · Game · Add lightbox on image message in game

Feature · Game · Add {{}} format

Optimization · Improved readability of the language selector


Released · 01 May, 2024

Feature · Creator · Community gallery.

Fix · Scenario · Fix NPC update.

Fix · Minimal sheets · Fix drag n drop after open a new sheet.

Optimization · Games · Improve lisiblity of unread OOC messages.

Optimization · Games · Add alert if your new message visibility is is different from your old one.

Optimization · Create game · After choosing a pre-written scenario, you are redirected to the display step.


Released · 29 April, 2024

Fix · Creators · Remove Learning button on Minimal Sheets & Minimal Scenarios

Fix · Game · Receiving messages after putting the application on standby has been improved

Fix · Colors · Refining the color picker

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Popovers will now be always on top.

Optimization · Minimal Adventures · Runner sheet is now hidden by default, a new button can display it.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Runner is now keeping its height when the runner sheet is too big

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Conditions on popup can now be sort

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Conditions "includes" are now correctly displayed in the runner.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Impacts values for "we remove from an array" are now well displayed.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · The word value in impact is not cropped anymore.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · When you save an adventure for the first time you can now share it without reloading.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Display conditions for answer are now well chained with AND operator.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Yellow color of the answer is now yellow rather than black in the select input.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Interactions and answers are now formated with markdown.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Answer conditions are now displayed with label "and if...".

Feature · Minimal Adventures · Conditions not equal are now available for out/answer conditions et dice rolls.

Feature · Minimal Adventures · Add a debug sentence when an adventure is soft locked.

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Launch the runner if a popup hasnt been finished will not break the editor.


Released · 19 April, 2024

Feature · Advertising

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Dice conditions (< X) are not valid anymore when there is no die.

Fix · Adventures · Prompts > 4 are now shown.

Fix · Chat · Padding

Fix · Chat · Bubble corner

Fix · Game · New message delimiter no longer appears when open ooc

Fix · Game · You can no longer send empty message

Fix · On mobile touch the entire element on every box container is no longer triggered

Fix · Minimal Sheets · Add margin bottom to Minimal Sheets

Fix · Scenario ·PNJ add modal is now scrollable

Fix · Game · Sending a text with PNJ syntaxe via scenario is now working

Fix · Character Sheet · Textarea is now scrollable even if you only GM can edit it

Optimization · Rolist card · Remove "Looking for players" indicator

Optimization · Add consent step

Optimization · Videos on Minimal Adventures


Released · 09 April, 2024

Feature · Game · Add import character sheet in game

Feature · Game · Add tags

Feature · Game · NPC ?

Fix · Game · If message has visibility, it is not visible in the party list.

Fix · Game · Consecutive upload no longer duplicates images

Fix · Character Sheet · Remove icon on field

Fix · Chat · Improve lisibility if color is too light

Fix · Sheet · Fix card input less and more label in description

Fix · Account · Logout button no longer overlap text

Fix · Adventures · Don't disappear anymore in the HUB when it has a custom image

Fix · Adventures · Choice popup is now scrollable

Fix · Adventures · Image in popups are now displayed on mobile

Fix · Adventures · Popups are now scrollable

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Better saving

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Blocks are now centered when created

Optimization · Character sheet · Allow copy & past for character which is not yours

Optimization · Game · Formatting help on textarea field

Optimization · Chat · Allow text formatting (like in game)

Optimization · Hub · Improve lisibility of game cards

Optimization · Table creation · Passage of scenario to first step

Optimization · Chat · Improve scroll mechanic

Optimization · Game · Improve pagination & scroll mechanic

Optimization · Game · Actions on ooc message are now reactive


Released · 29 March, 2024

Fix · Games · No more horizontal scrolling on games in mobile version

Fix · Game · Is writing indicator no longer passes over the field to write message

Fix · Game · Fix of a spelling error on the scenario import text

Fix · Game · Reversing and sending messages fix in columns display

Fix · Game · Better display for rows inputs in character sheet when the text is too long

Fix · Scenario · The modal for adding NPCs is now scrollable

Fix · Scenario · Upload field added to Minimal Scenario save

Fix · Spectate · Fix spectate loading

Optimization · Game · Game languages is now required

Optimization · Game · Add languages configuration in rolist card customization

Optimization · Game · Frozen state is now in real time

Optimization · Scenario in game · Improve of the send message action to allow "speak", "act" and "context" messages to be sent.

Optimization · Find games · Change ask to join button text -> "Ask to join" to "Read more"

Optimization · Find games · Add table name in first message send to a game master

Optimization · Spectate · Display character sheet


Released · March 22, 2024

Feature · Games · Rolist card avatars now appear in game messages

Feature · Hub · Add lang on rolist card (At the moment, it's the application locale, we'll add a setting for it soon.)

Optimization · Hub · Change icon for search player on game card

Optimization · Minimal Adventures · Touch interfaces are now better supported

Optimization · Games · Better pagination load in games

Fix · Games & Adventures · Messages can no longer be duplicated

Fix · Fix 404 responsive

Fix · Minimal Adventures · Fix soft lock if you add a condition with answer if you have no answer

Fix · Games · First pagination no longer auto scrolls down

Fix · Games · No more horizontal scrolling on games in mobile version

Fix · Games · The modal for adding NPCs is now scrollable


Released · March 20, 2024

Fix · Player Character sheet update by game master

Fix · Ask to join modal close after send message

Fix · The button on the right no longer protrudes if the text is too long on character sheet row input

Fix · Game & Chat · The auto scroll button now goes under the form

Fix · Chat · Notifications read automatically when you receive a message

Fix · Fix invitation link page

Optimization · Add carousel padding on mobile for games list

Optimization · Game & Chat · Auto scroll is more tolerant

Optimization · Game & Chat · Auto scroll is now automatically removed when you reach the bottom of the screen

Optimization · Notifications · Notifications refresh when you open the notifications panel

Optimization · Add carousel padding on mobile for games list

Optimization · Update context modal in game

Optimization · Get notified modal remove

Optimization · Pass excerpt from 100 to 200 characters

Optimization · Quest panel is automatically remove when you've finished every quests

Optimization · An alert is added if you modify a public displayed game

0.7.0 · New horizons

Released · March 14, 2024

Feature · Image in messages

Feature · New global design

Feature · New message design

Feature · Players directory

Feature · Games directory

Feature · Chat in-game for direct messages

Feature · Creator Space · Minimal Scenarios

Feature · Creator Space · Minimal Adventures

Feature · Creator Space · Minimal Sheets

Feature · Rolist card

Feature · Adding some early customizations for rolist cards

Feature · Refine of Early rewards

Feature · Export sheets to Minimal Sheets

Feature · Export scenarios to Minimal Scenarios

Feature · Minimal scenario as a notepad on every game

Feature · New quest panel for new players

Feature · New onboarding for new players

Feature · New game creation informations

Optimization · Better notifications

Optimization · Better mobile send message button

0.7.0 · Fixes on preview

Released · March 14, 2024

February 14 —

Minimal Adventures · Remove user selection

Minimal Adventures · Close button is now larger

Minimal Adventures · Close button is now propagated to each forms

Minimal Adventures · Loopback connections are now working

Minimal Adventures · BREAKING · Links between event are now identified, resolving the duplication of links, we add a recalculate button to prevent the breaking change

Minimal Adventures · Conditions are now propagated when a output is changed to another event

Minimal Adventures · Sortable on Interactions

Minimal Adventures · Sortable on Answers

Minimal Adventures · Sortable on Outs

Minimal Adventures · Translations French / English · Outputs

February 13 —

Minimal Adventures · New performance mode

Minimal Adventures · Connections are not detachable anymore

Minimal Adventures · New way to display pipelines between elements

Minimal Adventures · You can now close the settings panel

Minimal Adventures · Outputs with sheet values are now working

Minimal Adventures · Remove an output now remove the pipe

Minimal Adventures · Gamemaster messages in runner is now well displayed

Minimal Adventures · Fix next button margin

Minimal Adventures · User username is now well displayed

Minimal Adventures · User messages are now displayed in game table

Minimal Adventures · Load an adventure is now more stable

Minimal Adventures · Lots of stability fixes

Minimal Adventures · Keyboard arrows will not pan anymore

Minimal Adventures · You can now replace a sheet's number in an impact

Minimal Adventures · The close button in edit panel is now following the scroll

Minimal Adventures · Saving prompt

Minimal Adventures · Fix opening stability

February 12 —

Minimal Adventures · Reloading a project with custom zooms no longer break the layout

Minimal Adventures · You can no longer move the workspace through the settings panels or inputs

Minimal Adventures · A grabbing cursor has been added

Minimal Adventures · You can now zoom in the area with a scroll

Minimal Adventures · Saving multiple time a new project doesn't duplicate it anymore

Minimal Adventures · Adding icons dedicated to the editor

Minimal Adventures · Group add buttons

Minimal Adventures · New icon for settings

Minimal Adventures · Small refine of characters settings

Minimal Adventures · Ending in editor will not redirect anymore

Minimal Adventures · Runner is working again after user choices

Minimal Adventures · Modifiers are now well applied

Minimal Adventures · Impacts with numbers will now be added or substracted well (Careful, a refresh of numbers values is required)

Minimal Adventures · You can now substract a value to dice

Minimal Adventures · Change a modifier type is now working well


Released · March 14, 2024

[BUG] Fix update row in character sheet

[BUG] Fix add section button on character sheet configurator for IOS

[OPTIMIZATION] Delay drag and drop on mobile for character sheet configuration


Released · February 8, 2024

[FEATURE] New message notification

[FEATURE] Interface de démonstration via l'aventure solo :

[OPTIMIZATION] Auto adjust textarea in character sheets

[OPTIMIZATION] Better viewport for Android mobiles

[OPTIMIZATION] Many updates on viewport for characters sheet

[OPTIMIZATION] Horizontal scrollbar height

[BUG] Fix scroll in players sidebar

[BUG] New (better?) notification system

[BUG] New (better?) notification system

[BUG] Fix notifications for new users

[BUG] Display character sheet names in spectate mode

[BUG] Fix duplicate messages when paginate on safari

[BUG] Fix buttons margin on square button (IOS)

[BUG] Fix is writing notice when changing table

[BUG] Fix missing translations

[BUG] Fix spelling mistakes

[BUG] Fix edit and delete button in rows input (Character sheet)

[OPTIMIZATION] Add many butler's helps in character's sheets

[OPTIMIZATION] Fix some responsive margins

[OPTIMIZATION] Hint when a sheet information is locked in edition

[OPTIMIZATION] Message on all the preview field instead on the small eye


Released · December 11, 2023

[FEAT] Update visibility of a message

[OPTIMIZATION] Accelerate delete animation

[OPTIMIZATION] Remove default value from text field

[OPTIMIZATION] Prevent switch player if unsaved data in current player character sheet

[OPTIMIZATION] Sticky header in character sheet

[OPTIMIZATION] Add save and stay popover on save character sheet

[BUG] Fix multi tab messages issue

[BUG] Fix delete button on mobile

[BUG] Fix duplicate messages due to pagination issue

[BUG] Default value reactivity

[BUG] Fix save button in card save

[BUG] Edit character sheet

[BUG] Fix duplicate card when card is added in cards input

[BUG] Fix visiblity names


Released · December 6, 2023

[FEATURE] Characters' sheets.

[FEATURE] Game Master screen.

[FEATURE] Game cover upload system.

[FEATURE] Game cover public gallery.

[FEATURE] Spectate Mode.

[FEATURE] Freeze.

[FEATURE] Give game master role.

[FEATURE] You can now copy a message content.

[FEATURE] You've now to reconfirm your email while changing.

[FEATURE] You can now resend your email if not confirmed.

[OPTIMIZATION] New modal for features that are coming.

[OPTIMIZATION] Notification popover is now scrollable.

[OPTIMIZATION] Better modals.

[OPTIMIZATION] New loader.

[OPTIMIZATION] Better notification identifier handler.

[OPTIMIZATION] Notifications can now stack on Android & web.

[OPTIMIZATION] Redesign of the edit message modale.

[OPTIMIZATION] Messages in tables are faster to load.

[OPTIMIZATION] Danger buttons require to be hold to work.

[BUG] Fix scroll in the context modale.

[BUG] Negative Dice modifiers are now displayed properly.

[BUG] On computer, in some cases, modales are not sticky to cursor anymore.


Released · November 15, 2023

[OPTIMIZATION] More optimized homepage.

[OPTIMIZATION] New feature module on the homepage.

[OPTIMIZATION] Bad outline on inputs is disable.

[BUG] Fix title on game creation.

[BUG] Long names are better support on game tables.

[BUG] Better titles on Register and Login mobile.


Work in progress

[BUG] In app notifications can now be closed again.


Released · November 2, 2023

[OPTIMIZATION] Better scrollbars for Firefox.

[OPTIMIZATION] Drag to scroll on games list.

[OPTIMIZATION] Faster pages transitions.

[OPTIMIZATION] Pointer on checkboxs.

[BUG] Fix OOC overflow.

[BUG] Fix messages visibility footer.

[BUG] Fix duplicate notifications.

[BUG] Fix OOC animations.

[BUG] Fix onboarding while playing on multiple games.

[BUG] Fix invitation loop after quitting a game.

0.5.0 · The lost manor

Released · November 1, 2023

[Feature] Onboarding system with single-player scenario.

[Feature] Addition of the 'CTRL' + 'Enter' command for sending messages in the OOC

[Feature] The game master can now suppress players' dice rolls

[Feature] Message input can grow in height while typing a long text.

[Feature] You're now prompt to change your username when you create an account.

[Feature] You can now display actions in "speaking" messages by surrounding your sentence with ((...)).

[Feature] OOC message input can grow in height while typing a long text.

[Feature] Add a invite players column.

[Feature] Translation system has been applied to blog articles.

[Optimization] Redesign of all site inputs

[Optimization] Redesign of all site outputs

[Optimization] No more PWA prompt.

[Optimization] Better animations on sidebars.

[Optimization] Bigger dice size.

[Optimization] Better display for long names.

[Optimization] Notifications should be delivered faster.

[BUG] Deletion of the is writing display in the ooc

[BUG] Correction of display names in the OOC

[BUG] Corrected display of dice rolls

[BUG] Correction of overflow messages

[BUG] Correction of the "Logout" text in the user profile

[BUG] Correction of an error in email confirmation

[Bug] Corrected the panels so that they close properly.

[BUG] Transactional emails are not send to unconfirmed account anymore.

[BUG] Better error while trying to use a already taken username.

[BUG] Better handle of Discord avatar in the community module.

[BUG] Fix scrollbars on Firefox.

[BUG] Fix a scroll problem on game table while clicking on a menu.


Released · October 12, 2023

[Feature] Official Apple application

[Feature] Official Google application

[Feature] Brand new homepage

[Optimization] New/bigger headers

[Optimization] Optimized header for game table


Released · September 30, 2023

[Feature] Push notification panel

[Optimization] Better handling notification

[Feature] Apple connection for iOS application

[Optimization] Optimizations for mobile apps releases

[Feature] Full autonomous account deletion

[Optimization] Removing all trackers and tier cookies (Matomo)

[Bug] Fix column header on large view

[Bug] Fix context modal height

0.4.1 · Adventure, anywhere

Released · September 20, 2023

[Feature] Minimal Roleplay has now an application!

[Feature] Minimal Roleplay has now notifications through the application

[Feature] New homepage header

[Optimization] Removing horizontal scroll on french homepage

[Optimization] Add some missing translations

[Bug] No more notification sound when you send your own message

[Bug] Fix date display below messages

[Bug] Fix is writing display on both displays

[Bug] Fix >>>>> string on dice roll

[Bug] Fix mispell in blog article.

0.4.0 · Through the 4th wall

Released · August 23, 2023

[Feature] Out of context Chat

[Optimization] When you're connected to several places at the same time, you'll have a better connection to the tables.

[Optimization] The structure of Minimal Roleplay has been revised and corrected.

0.3.5 · Le français est là !

Released · August 16, 2023

[Feature] French version

[Bug & Optimization] A really long list of bugs and optimizations of no interest to anyone.


Released · July 30, 2023

[Bug] Better reconnection after servers update. Should allow people to receive messages even if they stay in their games without updating for a long time.

[Feature] Add a server connection in games status that updates live.


Released · July 28, 2023

[Bug] HookNotifier is now working on new message.

[Bug] Join notifications are now sent only if the user is not already in the game

[Optimization] New widgets for blog posts

[Optimization] More blog post in pagination


Released · July 26, 2023

[Bug] Referal is now working when you invite someone to join your game.

[Optimization] Better messages when you try to log in by email when you've created your account with Discord and vice versa.

[Bug] The password reset e-mail is now functional.

0.3.1 · Alpha is now open to everyone!

Released · July 20, 2023

[Feature] No limit on alpha.

0.3.0 · Master your mind

Released · July 19, 2023

[Feature] Message modification

[Feature] Message deletion

[Feature] Game context edition

[Feature] Game edition

[Feature] Game deletion

[Feature] News notifications

[Feature] Quit a game as a player

[Feature] User join a game notification for game masters

[Optimization] Prevent mailing spam by sending maximum one mail every 3 days

[Optimization] Better contrast on notifications

[Optimization] Changelog is now public

[Optimization] Popover white panels now disappear when clicking inside a menu

[Optimization] Add a link to the contact form to delete your account

[Optimization] Three dots menu are removed if no action is available

[Optimization] Update image system for futures client side uploads

[Optimization] Better game pagination

[Optimization] A login button is now in the menu when you're logged out

[Bug] Fix typo errors

[Bug] A game canno't be created without name anymore

[Optimization] Games are now sort by last activity


Released · July 11, 2023

[Optimization] Receive a message while being on a table not showing a "fake" notification anymore

[Optimization] Messages notifications include the name of the game

[Optimization] Version is now displayed in the changelog module

[Optimization] Closed alpha is now unlocked at 300pts

[Optimization] Better closed alpha modale

[Bug] Fix horizontal scroll issue on homepage

[Bug] Fix duplicate messages on slow connections

[Bug] Fix a bug that can generate multiple notification after a login in the hub

[Bug] Fix a padding in the hub

0.2.0 · Closed Alpha release

Released · July 10, 2023

[Feature] Single column view on computer

[Feature] Coming soon modal

[Feature] Closed alpha modal

[Feature] All legals pages

[Optimization] Simple dice

[Optimization] Optimized modal on mobile

[Optimization] Cookie consent

[Optimization] Discord link in the profile

[Optimization] Better scrollbar

[Bug] Better scrollbar

[Bug] Many small fixes


Released · July 07, 2023

[Feature] HookNotifier integration for push notifications

[Feature] Notifications management

[Optimization] Pagination loader

[Optimization] Add small closing marker on mobile modals ( — )

[Optimization] Swipe to close on players sidebar

[Optimization] Larger notification panel on cell phones for better fit with resolution

[Optimization] Switch share inputs to readonly

[Optimization] Add a click to move on table list

[Optimization] New error page

[Optimization] Changelog block in the hub

[Optimization] Create legal mentions & privacy policy

[Optimization] Scroll to top when page change

[Bug] Fix mobile visibility icon opacity

[Bug] Fix table list padding

[Bug] Fix pagination

[Bug] Fix visibility button disappearance

[Bug] Fix title bug on page change


Released · July 06, 2023

[Optimization] Better notifications

[Optimization] Dice size review

[Optimization] Change dice display to avoid glitching

[Optimization] Redesign of dice summary (max-width, algo change and tooltip)

[Optimization] Remove the ability to select on dice selectors to avoid text highlighting

[Optimization] Fix dice message, more contrast, delete bad padding

[Bug] Fix color wheel on dice collection

[Optimization] Context dedicated icon

[Optimization] New Kick player label

[Optimization] Review of table creation middleware, layouts and urls.

[Optimization] Redesign of dashboard urls -> Hub

[Optimization] Modifying hub layouts

[Optimization] Modification of connected header (addition of hub)

[Bug] Fix column height while no message

[Bug] Fix is-writing sockets when coming from hub

[Optimization] Change visibility to display first two letters

[Bug] Fix visibility now displays ALL at the right time.

[Feature] Add selected players to the visibility button

[Bug] Suppress notifications if the player is connected to the table

[Optimization] Improved notification popup

[Feature] In-house testing of a telephone notification system (Hook.Notifier)

[Optimization] Dice roll interface for mobile

[Optimization] New design for modals

[Optimization] Players can now see the game context

[Optimization] Players can now see other players list on mobile


Released · July 05, 2023

[Optimization] Better notifications

[Optimization] Notifications in browser tab

[Bug] Fix toast in table

[Bug] Fix auto scroll to bottom in table

[Bug] Fix new message animation

[Bug] Fix player header in table columns

[Optimization] New popover for header

[Bug] Fix logout problem on mobile

[Optimization] Refresh datas when back on table browser tab

[Optimization] Gradient behind player headers


Released · July 02, 2023

[Feature] Edit player nicknames.

[Feature] Game context can be opened at any time.

[Feature] Add a mobile sidebar for various actions (kick a player, change nickname, etc.).

[Bug] Display the date on the first message of a table.

[Bug] Correction of responsive loading screen.

[Bug] Fixing table height on mobile.

[Bug] Text field in table not at right height.

[Bug] Redirection when cancelling a discord connection is not good.

0.1.0 · Friends Release

Released · June 29, 2023

Official Friends Release

A new
is about to begin.

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