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Today, role-playing games remain a very elitist universe, both for players and creators.

Our ultimate goal is to break down barriers to entry, allowing everyone to discover this world and a wide range of both mainstream and independent works.

Discover the 2025 goal

The ecosystem
to the rescue

To reach our 2025 goal, we are building a strong foundation: a comprehensive range of services dedicated to role-playing games. Virtual tables, creation tools, social network... Each tool contributes to laying the groundwork for the future of role-playing games.

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July 2023

Minimal Play By Post logo

Text-based virtual table

Play your role-playing games in a textual way, ideal for better portraying your characters.

Character Creation

Create your character sheets, a powerful and accessible editor and game tool.

Minimal Sheets logo
Minimal Scenarios logo

Scenario Creation

An all-in-one editor for writing role-playing game scenarios and a game tool to simplify the work of the Game Master.

Narrative solo game

Play your games as stories where you are the hero and craft your own narrative adventures from scratch in a complete editor.

Minimal Adventures logo
Minimal Campfire logo

The network of role-players

Join a social network dedicated to the world of role-playing games, discover profiles, and share your passion.

Virtual game board

The complete virtual tabletop experience at your fingertips. Board, tokens, card decks, maps...

Minimal Boards logo


Early access
for founders

Coming Soon

Minimal Collections logo

The collection

Roleplayers are collectors, dice, stickers, badges... Minimal Roleplay will not be lacking!

You and us

We created Minimal Roleplay to share our passion with our community.
Thank you so much for your support.

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Start your
new journey

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Role-playing ecosystem