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master your mind release 0.3.0

Master your mind
is released

@illuday · Nov 01, 2023 · 1 minutes read

One week after the launch of Minimal Roleplay in private Alpha, here is the first 0.3.0 update, Master your mind.

Few words about

This new version focuses on essential features that were missing and that made some people furious! Sending a message with a nice spelling mistake, seeing it go off in Matrix-style slow motion only to never be able to edit it again - we've all been there, whether on Minimal Roleplay or elsewhere. In short, we're now talking in the past tense, as this update fixes a whole host of things to help you stay in control.

Over the course of this article, we'll be looking at the main features of this new version.

About your games

Editing and deleting games

Since the start of the alpha, we've seen a lot of "test", "test game", "tttttttttttttttttttttttest", "test8", "azpoieyerupoudfh", well, that was cool, but now that everyone's tested, it might be a good idea to get rid of all that!

Now you can delete or modify your tables. You'll find this feature directly in the game cards in your HUB.

Modification of the context

Another thing we've been asked to do a lot is change the context, you know, so that your players know what they're doing. Well, that's done, you can change it via the editing function seen above, or directly in your game. Click on the (i) and let yourself be guided.

About messages

We have also added the option of editing messages. In this way, everyone will be able to correct messages sent or delete them. Simply click on the message and choose your action.

Of course, the master of the game will be able to influence all the messages on the table.

A final word

We won't be dwelling on this update any further, but you should be aware that a number of other changes have been made, and we refer you to our full changelog for more information.

- Thank you so much for the feedback and for all your support you've been providing us since the beginning of the alpha, it's been a complete success, and we hope to be able to take this project far with you.

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